Woronora Memorial Park (02) 9545 4677

Woronora Memorial Park’s Beit Shalom, which translates to House of Peace.

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Called Beit Shalom, which translates to House of Peace, the section is positioned in one of the most pristine areas of the Park, overlooking native bushland. The natural beauty provides a real sense of serenity.

Beit Shalom has been fully consecrated by Rabbi Chaim Ingram and the Sydney Beth Din. Burial has great spiritual meaning. Beit Shalom has been designed to give everything needed to observe the sanctity of Jewish traditions. Together with Sydney Chevra Kadisha, Woronora has carefully ensured that every loved one will be able to be buried and remembered as they would wish, showing Kavod (honour) to the Met (deceased person).

Beit Shalom has been designed to hold 120 graves, including 21 Full Monumental graves and 19 Monumental Lawn graves. Following guidelines issued by the Sydney Beth Din, the Burial area will also allow for two burials per grave.

